Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Social Media and Event Intern
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Get involved or learn more: call 315-789-0106.
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Now Presenting… the 2025 Award winner for the Distinguished Alumni Award, Emily McAdoo!
Emily McAdoo Klempka participated in St. Peter’s Community Senior Choir under the direction of Wendy Trowbridge from 1998-2003 and toured England and France as part of the 2002 Choir Tour. The choral experience at St. Peter’s and abroad, along with voice lessons from Wendy Trowbridge, instilled a love of vocal music that continued as she earned her Bachelor of Music Education from Nazareth College and then her master’s in musicology from the University at Buffalo. Currently in her 15th year as a music educator, Emily has taught grades 6-12 in Buffalo, Rochester, and the Finger Lakes. She teaches 7th-9th grade choral and general music at Burger Jr. High School in Rush Henrietta.
Now presenting... the 2025 award recipients for the Community Awards Extraordinary Support for Music and the Arts! There are only 40 tickets left for the dinner, so buy them before we sell out!
Dennis & Teresa Angelo - In 2005, while at a St. Peter’s Church Choir event their children were involved in, Reverend Jim Adams asked Dennis Angelo if he would design a logo for the Choir. Since designing logos is one of Dennis’s favorite things, he gladly accepted. Many other projects followed in support of the Arts Academy over the course of 20 years. Dennis has continued supporting the Arts Academy to this day, including the programs and logos for the 2025 Dinner With the Arts.
Read unabbreviated bios for the awardees on our website!
St. Peter`s is heavily involved in the Geneva communinity and is actively expanding our reach in neighboring communities. None of this could be possible without YOUR wonderful support, and the hard work of the faculty and staff that support the arts every day. #artsforall #genevany #20thanniversary #nafme #nationalassociationformusiceducators #ThankYouTeachers ...
Buy tickets now for Dinner With the Arts, Sunday April 6th at 4PM! And REMEMBER, 100% of ticket costs go directly towards supporting our mission of Arts for All thanks to the generosity of Michael Colvin and the ability to use our space for the event! Buy online at www.stpetersarts.org
Looking for other ways to be involved? We are still looking for Silent Auction donations and volunteers to assist in set-up, on-scene event assistance , and clean up. Share the word!!!
#dinnerwiththearts #genevany #artsforall #volunteer #Volunteering #donate #ticket #TicketsOnSale #event #events #20thanniversary